BioCentury highlights GNS-Alexion partnership
Alexion rebuilding pipeline with big data deals August 10, 2017 – Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:ALXN) is rebuilding its early stage pipeline with two new deals focused on driving rare disease discovery with big genomic data. The company partnered with Sema4 (New York, N.Y.) for genomic sequencing and licensed the Reverse Engineering and Forward Simulation (REFS) […]
FierceBiotech features Alexion-GNS Partnership Targeting Rare Diseases
Alexion inks genomics pacts to continue R&D reboot August 11, 2017 – Alexion has teamed up with GNS Healthcare and Sema4 to advance its rare disease R&D agenda. The partnerships give Alexion access to modeling and simulation software used by Celgene and a partner to support its push into genomics. Read the full article here. […]